Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Late Night Television

So, I'm not sure how many people watched the Olympics this past year? Yeah, well, a couple nights, I stayed up pretty late watching them... Every once in a while when they'd go to a commercial, I'd flip through all 10 of the channels that I have... and I discovered some pretty amazing things. Apparently, there are 100's of hot local singles in my area, that are laying in their beds wearing clubbing clothes, that are just dieing to talk to me on their cell-phones. This fact was confirmed by multiple channels, including 2 of the 6 spanish channels.

It's commercials like those that really make me mad. Here I am, innocently looking through my local cable channels at 2:30 in the morning and I find out that other people actually get cell phone coverage when they're in their bedrooms. I couldn't believe it. I have to go outside, completely leave my house, just to talk on my phone.. I very nearly called one of those nice gals to see which cell phone company they're with.

That's not all. On one channel, i was introduced to the most interesting piece of clothing. Men, make sure you're listening to this. There is an article of clothing out there that completely transforms women's bodies. It pushes this up, that down, and makes other things completely disappear. Amazing.

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